Setup Piece Settings

From MusicReader Manual

After you have added a piece your can customize it to you needs.

In tis section we will show you what can be changed.

Piece Information
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For every piece inside MusicReader information like title, composer, genre, ... can be specific.

This information is used to identify the piece in for example the library.

There are three ways you can change piece information, two inside Library and one for active piece.

Image XX - Steps to get to Piece Information in Library.

Inside Library[edit | edit source]

Inside library you can edit the piece information in two ways.

The first way is in the main library screen:

  1. First you go to Library screen which is shown in Image xx.
  2. In Library you press the arrow icon on the left as shown with (1) in Image.
  3. Now you will see a dropdown as shown with (2).
  4. Now press the "Info & Playlist" button as shown with (3).
  5. This makes screen like Image YY appear.
  6. Edit the Piece Information here under first tab. In the other tabs you can edit the associated playlists and folders.
Image - Piece Information screen for loaded piece

Loaded Piece[edit | edit source]

After you have loaded a piece you can edit the piece info in this way:

  1. Press the Full Menu icon in the top menu.
  2. Then choose Piece Info as shown in Image XX.
  3. Then you see the screen of Image YY.
  4. Edit the Piece Information here under first tab. In the other tabs you can edit the associated playlists and folders.
Image XX - Piece Information for loaded piece

Page Settings
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Inside MusicReader you can change the page settings of a piece.

This includes:

  • Order of pages
  • Way pages are turned (half/whole)

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Piece Splitter
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Share / Print / Export
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