Display Mode

From MusicReader Manual

Image 1 - Display Mode Settings

MusicReader has multiple display modes to view sheet music in multiple ways.

In Image 1 you see the Display Mode settings.

In this section we will show the different display modes.

For detailled setting of the modes please check Page Turn Options .

Half Page View[edit | edit source]

Image 2 - Half Page View

Half Page View displays half a page on your screen (see Image 2).

You enable the setting by pressing the half page icon (See 1 in Image 1).

Image 3 - One Page Display

For detailled setting of this mode please check Page Turn Options .

One Page View[edit | edit source]

One Page View displays one page on your screen (see Image 3).

You enable the setting by pressing the one page icon (See 2 in Image 1).

For detailled setting of this mode please check Page Turn Options .

Two Page View[edit | edit source]

One Page View displays one page on your screen (see Image 4).

You enable the setting by pressing the two page icon (See 3 in Image 1).

For detailled setting of this mode please check Page Turn Options .

Image 4 - Two Pages Display