Page Turn Options

From MusicReader Manual

Revision as of 09:46, 22 December 2021 by MRWikiAdmin (talk | contribs)

On this page we show you the page turn options for the different view modes.

One Page View[edit | edit source]

Image 1 - Display Mode - One Page View
Image 2 - One Page View - Full page.
Image 3 - One Page - Half Turn
Image 4 - Page Setting - One Page View

The one page view is the default view for portrait orientation.

For landscape you can also set it using the Display Mode settings as shown in Image 1.

You simply press the One Page icon 1 to activate it.

When this is activated you see full page as shown in Image 2.

The One Page view has three ways of turning pages.

These ways are activated with "Turning Mode" (2) as seen in Image 1:

  • Full - this always turns the full page. So you always see the page like in Image 2.
  • Half - this allows you to turn pages half as shown in Image 3. The top part 1 shows the next page and the bottom 2 the current page. This allows you to read from bottom to top without turn. When you are reading on top you turn again and it will show next page in full.
  • Page Defined - With this setting you can choose between Full and Half for every single page. This is configured in "Page Settings".

The settings of the pages can be customized in "Page Settings".

To get there you press "Page Settings" 3 as shown in Image 1.

Then you get the Page Settings screen.

This screen is shown in Image 4.

To change setting follow these steps:

  1. First press the edit icon 1 next to the page you want to setup.
  2. Then make sure the tab is on "Single Page" (2).
  3. Now you can setup the "Stardard Page Turn" 3. This can be "Whole" ot "Half.
  4. Also you can setup the "Half Page Break" 4 by changing the slider. The result will show in the preview 5. You can also click on that preview to change the page break.

Two Page View[edit | edit source]

Image 5 - Display Mode - Two Pages
Image 6 - Two Pages Display
Image 7 - Page Settings - Two Page View

Two Page View is a view that can be used on landscape screens.

You can set it in Display Mode settings as shown in Image 5.

You simply press the Two Page icon 1 to activate it.

When this is activated you see two full page as shown in Image 6.

The Two Page view has four ways of turning pages.

These ways are activated with "Turning Mode" 2 as seen in Image 5:

  • 12-34 - This turns by two pages at a time, so 12->34->56->....
  • 12-32 - This turns one page at a time, first it changes the left page, then the right page. So you get 12->32->34->54->....
  • 12-23 - This changes both pages to the next one. So it will show 12->23->34->56->....
  • Page Defined- With this setting you can choose page turn for every single page. This is configured in "Page Settings".

The settings of the pages can be customized in "Page Settings".

To get there you press "Page Settings" 3 as shown in Image 5.

Then you get the Page Settings screen.

This screen is shown in Image 7.

To change setting follow these steps:

  1. First press the edit icon 1 next to the page you want to setup.
  2. Then make sure the tab is on "Two Pages" (2).
  3. Now you can setup the "Stardard Page Turn" 3. You can set this to values 12-34, 12-32 and 12-23.

Half Page View[edit | edit source]

Image 8 - Display Mode - Half Page View
Image 9 - Half Page View
Image 10 - Page Settings - Half Page View

Half Page View can be used on landscape screens.

You can set it in Display Mode settings as shown in Image 8.

You simply press the Two Page icon 1 to activate it.

When this is activated you see half page as shown in Image 9.

By default the best half page break is automatically detected.

If it's not correct then you can correct it in "Page Settings"

To get there you press "Page Settings" 2 as shown in Image 8.

Then you get the Page Settings screen.

This screen is shown in Image 10.

To change setting follow these steps:

  1. First press the edit icon 1 next to the page you want to setup.
  2. Then make sure the tab is on "Half Page" (2).
  3. You can setup the "Half Page Break" 4 by changing the slider. The result will show in the preview 5. You can also click on that preview to change the page break.