
From MusicReader Manual

Revision as of 10:24, 15 April 2022 by MRWikiAdmin (talk | contribs)
Settings - Piece Settings

In MusicReader there are multiple general App settings.

These are available in the "Settings" in Full Menu.

Piece Settings
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The App remembers the last loaded piece and playlist.

This can be disabled in the "Piece Settings" list of MusicReader.

Keyboard / MIDI Hotkeys
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Settings - Keyboard / MIDI Hotkeys

MusicReader can respond to keyboard keys and MIDI signals to trigger action.

This can be configured in the Settings under "Keyboard/MIDI Shortcuts" .

For details on configuring this please check Page Turn / Action Triggers

MIDI Settings[edit | edit source]

In MIDI Settings you can change the input or output MIDI devices.

This to have MusicReader play MIDI using the right device (output).

And to have MusicReader receive MIDI from right device (input).