
From MusicReader Manual

Revision as of 09:13, 19 April 2022 by MRWikiAdmin (talk | contribs)
Image 1 - Access Playlist from top menu

The Playlist feature is a fast and easy way to sort your music.

A playlist is like a virtual book with a list pieces

You can easily turn pages from one song to the next.

The playlist screen can be access with the Playlist icon in top menu, see Image 1.

After clicking the playlist icon you see the screen of Image 2.

Image 2 - Playlist View Screen

Using playlist
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When a playlist is active you can go through the playlist using the normal page turning options. After last page it will continue with the next piece.

Following the last piece it will start again from the first.

In this way you can easily setup a order of pieces for a concert or rehearsal.

Another way to use the playlist is using the Playlist screen like shown in Image 2.

Here you can:

  • See the selected playlist 1. Clicking will allow to select or create new one.
  • You can see the pages list 2. Clicking a piece will make that piece the active piece.
  • If you want to edit a playlist you click "Edit" 3 in top buttons.

If you click the selected playlist name then you get the dropdown shown in Image 3.

Image 3 - Playlist Selection Screen

Here you can:

  • Select another playlist by clicking on the name 1.
  • Filter / search for a playlist 2
  • Unload the current playlist. 3 This means there will be no active playlist anymore.
  • Create a new Playlist (4). Here you can setup a new playlist from scratch.

Editing Playlist
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Image 4 - Playlist Edit Screen

When you edit or create a playlist then you get the screen shown in Image 4.

Here you can do the following:

  • The pieces list on top 1 shows your current playlist. The pieces are shown in specific order. This is the order in which pieces will be shown when you turn pages.
  • With the library at the bottom 2 you can choose pieces to add to the playlist. When you select a piece then this piece will be added at the end of the playlist in top list.
  • If you want to remove a piece from playlist then you press X icon (3) . This will only remove piece from list, it will remain in library.
  • The pieces in this list are in a specific order. You can change the order by handle icon 4 . You click and then drag the icon to move the piece.
  • The name of the playlist can be change with the edit button on top 5.
  • With the clone icon 6 you can create a clone / copy of the selected playlist.
  • The delete icon 7 is to remove the playlist completely. This doesn't remove the pieces.