Page Turn / Action Triggers

From MusicReader Manual

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Image 1 - Page turn by single touch

In this section we will show you the most common way you can turn pages and trigger other actions in MusicReader.

Screen Touch[edit | edit source]

If your system has a touchscreen then you can turn pages by touching the screen.

The left side is turning pages back and the right side is turning forward.

This is shown in Image 1.

A short touch is enough to trigger the page turn.

Don't move your finger on the screen, that can be recognized as swipe (see below).

Image 2 - Swiping

You can also turn pages by swiping on the music as shown in Image 2: Swipe left-to-right to turn pages backward and right-to-left for forward.

Foot Pedal[edit | edit source]

MusicReader has foot pedal support for page turning and many other actions.

By default foot pedals trigger page turns in MusicReader, both forward and backwards.

This can be changed in Foot Pedal Settings , check this page for details.

Foot Pedal Icon.png

Keyboard / MIDI Hotkeys[edit | edit source]

Image 4 - Keyboard / Midi Hotkey Settings

In MusicReader it's also possible to use keyboard or MIDI keys to trigger action.

To set this up go to "Full Menu" and then choose "Settings".

There you get the screen displayed in Image 4 .

Here you first click on "Keyboard / MIDI Shortcuts" 1.

Then you see a list of shortcuts.

With "Add New" 2 button you can add a new shortcut.

After clicking you will be asked which action you want to trigger.

Then it's asked to press keyboard key or send MIDI signal.

After you did that the shortcut is added to the list.

Having issue with MIDI? Then be sure the MIDI Settings 3 are correct.

There you can set the MIDI input device that this feature listens to.

With the delete button 4 you can remove shortcuts.

Please note:

The settings here can override actions you set for foot pedals.

So avoid the keys your foot pedal sends unless you want to override it.