Foot Pedal Settings

From MusicReader Manual

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MusicReader has foot pedal support for page turning and many other actions.

By default foot pedals trigger page turns in MusicReader, both forward and backwards.

In MusicReader both USB and Bluetooth foot pedals are supported.

There are two ways that foot pedals can be used:

Image 1 - Foot Pedal Settings
  1. First there is the Normal Pedal (HID) mode. With this mode, the pedal is connected in the Bluetooth Settings of your system or simply connected to USB port. This depends on the pedal, so check which is supported. For these pedals, you need to make sure they are in the right mode:
    • On iOS/iPadOS and Android, we recommend to use mode that sends arrow keys (←↑→↓) as a keyboard. Most cases, this is called iOS/Android or page up/down mode. Check the manual of the pedal to be sure which mode / profile it is. Important! On iOS / iPadOS this is always the only mode that will work.
    • For Windows and macOS, you can use both arrow keys (←↑→↓) mode and page-up/down mode. Check the manual of the pedal to be sure which mode sends these keys.
  2. For AirTurn Pedals, you can also use App Direct (GATT) mode. If your pedal is in this mode, then you can connect it using the Foot Pedal Settings inside MusicReader. Important! App Direct is only available on iOS/iPadOS and Android. On Windows/Mac, you need to use Normal Pedal (HID) .

The foot pedal settings inside MusicReader are shown in Image 1:

  • With 1 and 2 you can set the pedal support to Normal Pedal (HID) or App Direct. After doing that, you press "Connect Pedal" 3 for connecting the foot pedal.
  • After you have connected the pedal, be sure to set the right number of pedals 4 This makes sure you have the right number of actions available.
  • Then you can select the actions for the pedals 5 6. By default, they are set to page turning.
  • The last available setting is Pedal Block Time. 7 This setting is to prevent accidental double triggers. To do this, the pedal is blocked for a short time after you press. Here you can set the time for that. If you set it to 0 then the block is turned off.