
From MusicReader Manual

Image 1 - Top Menu - Annotations Logo

MusicReader features a number of annotation functionality.

These can be accessed by clicking the annotations icon in the top menu. (See Image 1) or in "Full Menu" .

Image 2 - Annotations Menu

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After you activated annotations a menu as in Image 2 is shown.

In this menu you can:

  • Select an annotation tool 4 5 6 7 8
  • Change color and/line of tool 9
  • Close annotation menu with 1
  • Redo/undo changes with 3
  • Turn pages with 2

Pencil / Marker
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With pencil tool 4 you can activate the normal pencil which you can use for drawing / writing.

The marker tool 5 can be used to highlight an area in your music, the drawings are partly transparent.

If you want to change the color of line width then click 9.

Then you get screen to choose the color and line to use for drawing.

For the marker you can also change the transparancy of the color.

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The eraser tool 6 allows you to erase the annotation on the screen.

This tool removes not only pencil / marker annotations, but also text and symbols.

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The symbol tool 8 enables to insert predefined symbols inside the sheet music.

Icon displayed for this tool is the selected icon, so this can be changed based on selection.

Inserting symbols is done in this way:

  1. To select an symbol to insert click the icon 8 a second time, that will make a selection screen popup.
  2. Here you select the symbol you want to use.
  3. The icon in the menu will now change to the selected symbol.
  4. Now click on a location inside the sheet music to insert the symbol.
  5. The symbol is inserted and symbol menu (See Image 3) appears on top. Here you can change settings or remove symbol.
  6. You can also change location of symbol by dragging / moving it on the sheet music.
  7. After you are done you either press 5 in menu or another location on sheet music. This deselects the symbol and displays the annotations menu again.

Changing existing symbols is done in this way:

  1. Press the existing symbol in the sheet music with symbol tool activated.
  2. Symbol menu (See Image 3) appears on top. Here you can change settings or remove symbol.
  3. You can also change location of symbol by dragging / moving it around the sheet music.
  4. After you are done you either press 5 in menu or another location on sheet music. This deselects the symbol and displays the annotations menu again.
Image 3 - Symbol Edit Menu

The symbol edit menu (Image 3) has the following options

  • Change size 1
  • Remove text object 2
  • Change color / size 3
  • Turn pages 4
  • Deselect symbol / Go back to annotation menu 5

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The text tool 7 allows you to insert text into the sheet music.

Inserting of text is done in this way:

  1. Click on location in the sheet music to insert the text.
  2. A dummy text is inserted and text menu (See Image 4) appears on top. In this menu you can change the text and additional settings.
  3. You can also change location of text by dragging / moving it around the sheet music.
  4. After you are done you either press 6 in menu or another location on sheet music. This deselects the symbol and displays the annotations menu again.

Changing existing text is done in this way:

  1. Press the existing text in the sheet music.
  2. Text menu (See Image 4) appears on top. Here you can change text and settings.
  3. You can also change location of text by dragging / moving it on the sheet music.
  4. After you are done you either press 6 in menu or another location on sheet music. This deselects the text and displays the annotations menu again.
Image 4 - Text Edit Menu

The text edit menu (Image 4) has following options:

  • Enter the text 1
  • Change size 2
  • Remove text object 3
  • Change color / size 4
  • Turn pages 5
  • Deselect symbol / Go back to annotation menu 6