Automatic Page Turn

From MusicReader Manual

With "Automatic Page Turning" feature, you can specify a delay for each page in your sheet music.

After that delay, MusicReader will turn the page automatically.

This delay can not only be set for full page turns, but also for half page turns.

In the absence of a specified delay, MusicReader will wait for a manual page turn, allowing you to easily combine automatic and manual page turns.

"Automatic Page Turning" can be found in the full menu of MusicReader under "Piece Functions".

After activating, you get the menu shown in image 1.

There, you can choose between starting the timer 1 or setting up the delays 2.

Image 1 - Automatic Page Turning - Menu

Setup page Delay[edit | edit source]

After selecting "Setup Page Delay" you get the menu of Image 2.

In this setup menu, you see the settings for the current displayed page, including any enabled half page turn.

So you navigate through the pages to set up the delay for each page.

Image 2 - Automatic Page Turning - Setup Menu

Under 1 you see the number of currently displayed page and arrows to change the page.

Of course, you can also press the sheet music to turn the page.

After turning the page, the menu will change to settings of the new page.

With the input 2 you can manually set the delay (in seconds) of the current displayed page.

This is the delay starting from the previous page turn (or start of timer).

With "Record Timing" 3 you can record the timing of the page turns.

After pressing the input field will start counting.

This counting can be stopped in two ways:

  • You can press the "Stop" button - this stops the counter and will store the delay.
  • Turn to the next page - this will store the delay and then start a new timer for the next page. In this way, you play the whole piece and record delay while doing that.

With 4 you can set the type of page turn for the currently displayed page.

For example, you can choose between half and whole page turn when using one-page mode.

Do this before you start setting the delays.

This option is only available is you have set the page turn of MusicReader to be "Page Defined".

If not, then the option is shown as disabled and the general set page turn is used.

If you want to change the general page turn, then go to "Display Mode" 5.

Start / Stop Timer[edit | edit source]

After you press the "Start Timer" button, then the timer starts immediately.

You will then see the menu as displayed in Image 3.

Image 3 - Automatic Page Turning - Timer in Progress - Menu

In this menu, you can pause the timer using 1 or stop the timer using 2.

Also, you will see a countdown inside the menu if a delay is specified.

Is there no countdown?

Then no delay was specified, MusicReader then waits for your manual page turn.