This new documentation is still in beta. Feel free to check the old help website above or contact us for help.

Get Started

In the following sections, we will guide you through getting started with MusicReader. 
We’ll cover downloading and setting up the app, followed by steps to add and open your files.

Download & Install App

To download and install MusicReader, please follow the instructions below. 
These steps apply to all devices, so make sure to complete them on the device where you want to install MusicReader.
  1. Open Address Bar of browserOpen in your browser.
  2. DownloadClick the Download icon to begin the download process for MusicReader.
  3. Choose Operating SystemChoose the operating system you want to run MusicReader on.
  4. WindowsAfter clicking Windows, you see a link to the Microsoft Store. Click that link, and you get an option to install the App on your Windows 10 / 11.
  5. iPhone / iPadAfter clicking iPhone / iPad, you see a link to the AppStore. Click that link, and you get an option to install the App on your iPad / iPhone.
  6. AndroidAfter clicking Android, you see a link to the Google Play. Click that link, and you get an option to install the App on your Android device.
  7. MacOSAfter clicking MacOS, this link will download the macOS release of MusicReader. After downloading, you can open the file to start the installation.
  8. ChromeBookAfter clicking ChromeBook, you see a link to the Google Play. Click that link, and you get an option to install the App on your ChromeBook device.

Setup App & Account

After installation, launch MusicReader to see the screen shown below. Select either the 'New User' or 'Existing User' option as prompted.
  • New User - No AccountSelect this option if you are a new user without an account. You will be guided to create a new account for MusicReader.
  • Existing User - With AccountClick here if you are an existing user with an account. You will be prompted to log in with your account. After logging in, MusicReader will download your library and configure the app.

Add your files

To use your own music in MusicReader, you first need to add it to the app.
MusicReader offers a variety of ways to add files directly within the app.
These options are explained in detail here:
"Add Files" section

Want to add files from MusicReader PDF 4?
MusicReader PDF4 Instructions  

Sync with Account

After adding files or making other changes, we recommend syncing the app with your account. 
This ensures that files and updates are transferred to your account, serving as both a backup and a way to keep your sheet music consistent across multiple devices.

Here are the steps to start the sync process:
  1. Open Full MenuPress the Full Menu icon to display all menu items of MusicReader.
  2. Press SyncTap on the Sync icon to sync with your account.
  3. Select Sync NowClick on Sync Now to start syncing MusicReader with your account.
Please remember to sync your other devices as well to maintain up-to-date access everywhere.

Open Your Music

Once you've added your sheet music, you can access it in the Library. 
Follow the instructions below to open and view your files
  1. Library IconClick this icon to go to the library containing your sheet music.
  2. List of piecesClick a piece here to open it in MusicReader.
For more detailed description of library functionality go to the library section .

General Interface

After opening the sheet music, you will see the screen shown below. 
Explore the overview of available options provided below.
  • Go to Next PageTap this area on the right side of the screen to navigate to the next page. You can also swipe anywhere on the sheet music to achieve the same result.
  • Go to Previous PageTap this area on the left side of the screen to navigate to the previous page. You can also swipe anywhere on the sheet music to go back.
  • Open Quick MenuTap here to access the quick menu for MusicReader modules. By default, it displays piece information.
  • LibraryClick this icon to open your library where you can find all your sheet music.
  • Access PlaylistClick here to open the playlist screen where you can manage your music selections.
  • Annotation ToolsClick this icon to access a selection of tools for annotating your sheet music.
  • Pages OverviewClick here to view an overview of the pages in the current piece, allowing you to quickly jump to any specific page.
  • Page Display SettingsTap here to modify how pages are displayed, including options for the number of pages shown.
  • Page SettingsClick here to change the settings related to the current page.
  • Full MenuTap this icon to display all available menu items in MusicReader.
  • Hide Menu / Full ScreenClick here to hide the menu and switch to full screen mode.

Manage Music Files

MusicReader offers a variety of features to help you manage your sheet music files. 
These features will be explained in detail in the following sections.


  1. Library IconClick this icon to go to the library containing your sheet music. This area will provide you access to various music sheets and resources available for your use.
To access the music library, click on the icon in the top menu, as shown below.

Search & Open

After opening the music library, you will see the search tab as shown below.
Use this tab to search for and open your music, following the methods described below.
  • Available Pieces ListClick on a piece in this list to open it in MusicReader.
  • Detailed Information ButtonsClick these buttons to view more information about a piece, including an example page.
  • Folder NavigationThis area displays the pieces contained in the selected folder as well as its subfolders. Click to change the current folder.
  • Search FunctionUse this field to search for specific pieces using keywords. Click the X button to clear the search field.
  • Quick Alphabetical NavigationPress these letters to quickly jump to pieces that start with a selected letter. This feature corresponds to the current column order of the list.
  • Piece MetadataDisplays important information about the piece, including title, composer, instrument, and category.
  • Sheet Music DisplayShows the first page of the sheet music. Use the left/right sides to navigate to the previous or next page.
  • Open Music PieceOpen this piece for viewing or editing in the MusicReader application.
  • Edit Piece InformationModify the piece's information such as title, composer, and instrument.
  • Manage FoldersView and modify the folders that this piece is categorized under.
  • Manage PlaylistsView and modify the playlists that this piece belongs to.
  • Remove from LibraryDelete this piece from your music library.
After clicking the 'Details' button, a dropdown area will appear, as shown below.


The music library also includes a 'Manage' tab, as shown below.
This tab allows you to add and edit pieces, as well as organize them into folders.
  • Edit or Delete ItemsClick here to modify or remove existing pieces.
  • Manage FoldersClick here to organize and manage your folders.
  • Upload Local FilesAdd files from your computer or connected cloud services.
  • Take PhotoUse your device's camera to capture images of sheet music.
  • Scan Sheet MusicUtilize your scanner to digitize paper sheet music.
  • Access Cloud StorageAdd files from cloud storage options like Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Email AttachmentsSend files to MusicReader via email and retrieve them from your mailbox.
  • Download from InternetRetrieve files directly from websites.


In the 'Folders' tab, you can assign pieces to specific folders, as explained in the instructions below.
  • Piece within FolderThis section shows the items contained in the folder. Selecting an item from here will remove it from the folder, but it will remain in the library.
  • All Items in LibraryChoose an item from this list to add it to the folder. All items available in the library are displayed here.


The music library offers multiple settings to customize your experience. 
Refer to the instructions below to explore the available options.
  • Edit Column NamesThis area allows you to modify the names of the columns.
  • Select Visible ColumnsChoose which columns will be displayed on the library screen.
  • Manage FoldersUse this icon to modify the list of folders that can be accessed in the library and playlist.
  • Library SettingsClick this icon to adjust the settings for the library.
Library settings are explained in screenshots below.
  • Remember Active FolderEnables MusicReader to remember the currently selected folder in the library.
  • Remember Active PieceAllows MusicReader to remember the currently displayed piece of music.
  • Remember Active PlaylistLets MusicReader remember the active playlist currently shown.

Add Files

MusicReader provides a wide range of options for adding files. 
These options are available both in the Library and on the 'Full Menu' screen. 
Refer to the overview below for details on the available options.

  • Manage FilesClick this button to access the 'Add Files' feature.
  • Local FilesSelect and add files stored on your computer or accessible cloud storage.
  • Camera AccessUse your device's camera to capture images of sheet music.
  • Scan DocumentsUtilize your scanner to digitize printed sheet music.
  • Cloud Storage AccessImport files directly from cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Email IntegrationSend files to MusicReader through email and access them from this mailbox.
  • Download from BrowserAcquire files from websites using your web browser.
After selecting files to add you have the options shown in the screenshot below.
It may look a little bit different, depending on the option you choose.
  • Adding Method and Selected FilesThis section displays the chosen method for adding files along with the files that have been selected for processing.
  • Adding ModeIn this section, you can choose the mode for adding files.
  • Automatic AdjustmentsThis option automatically detects the best page settings and cropping for the files. Please note that processing large files may take some time.
  • Fast AddingSelecting this option will use default settings for pages and cropping, allowing for quicker file addition.
  • Title ModeThis mode is automatically generated based on the file information.
  • Automatic DetectionThis feature identifies the title and composer from the PDF's embedded information. If there are multiple sources, it selects the most reliable one.
  • Use Filename as TitleThis option enforces the use of the file's name as the title.
  • Use File Embedded InformationThis option prioritizes the use of any available embedded information within the file for title and composer details. If not available, the filename will be used.
  • Folder SelectionUse this option to choose the folder where the selected files will be added.
  • Add FilesClick this button to begin adding the selected files with the specified settings.

Local Files

For local files you can choose the options below.
  • Select FilesSelect individual files that you want to add to MusicReader.
  • Select FolderSelect a folder containing files to be added to MusicReader. The selected folder and its subfolders will be included, allowing for easy organization and access to your files in the library.
After selecting files you get the options explain in Add Files section .

Cloud Storage

Files can also be added from cloud storage services, as demonstrated in the screenshot below.
  1. Choose Cloud ServiceChoose one of the listed Cloud Services.
  2. DropboxClick here to add files from DropBox.
  3. Google DriveClick here to add files from Google Drive.
  4. Select Files to AddCheck the checkbox to select files.
  5. Download Selected FilesPress here to download the selected files.

Photo with Camera

When you start the Camera option, the screen shown below will appear. 
This screen allows you to take a photo of the sheet music.
  • Camera ViewThis area displays the live feed from the camera. Tap here to capture a photo.
  • Capture PhotoPress this button to take a photo.
  • Change CameraUse this button to switch between different cameras if your device has multiple options.
After taking the photo, you can select the best quality using the options shown on the screen below. 
You also have the option to retake the photo if needed.
  • Select Image QualityChoose the photo that offers the highest quality. The selected version will be saved.
  • Return to Photo OverviewClick here to return to the main overview of your captured photos.
  • Capture New PhotoClick here to take a new photo.
After confirming the photo, the overview screen shown below will appear. 
From here, you can add additional pages, rotate or delete them, or save the complete file to MusicReader.
  • Existing PagesThis section displays all the uploaded page photos. You can select one to preview it, rotate it, or remove it from the list.
  • Preview of Selected PhotoThis area shows a larger view of the currently selected photo.
  • Add FileInput a title for your file and click this button to upload the pages to MusicReader as a single file.
  • Take New PhotoClick this button to capture a new photo.
  • Rotate Selected PagePress this button to rotate the currently selected page photo.
  • Remove Selected PageClick this button to delete the currently selected page from the list.

After confirming the title, you get the options explained in <a href="#33">Add Files section</a>.


This function is going to be updated soon.
As soon as that's ready, then this documentation will also be updated.


You can also email files to MusicReader using a designated email address. 
These files will be stored in the mailbox within your account. 
Refer to the screenshot below to see how this works.
  • Files in MailboxSelect the files that you wish to add to MusicReader or remove from the mailbox.
  • Email Address MailboxThis is the email address where you can send files. Click on the address to open your email program.
  • Add Selected FilesClick to add the files you have selected to MusicReader.
  • Remove Selected FilesClick to remove the files you have selected from the mailbox.
  • Refresh MailboxClick to refresh the list of files in your mailbox.

Browser / Download

It's also possible to download files directly from a website.
This feature is described in the another section .

Open in App

To add files, you can also open them in the MusicReader App.
Locate the file on you system and then choose to open it with MusicReader.
MusicReader will then open with the Add Files screen.

Sync with Account

After adding files or making other changes, we recommend syncing the app with your account. 
This ensures that files and updates are transferred to your account, serving as both a backup and a way to keep your sheet music consistent across multiple devices.

The procedure is described in Get Started  .

Piece Information

A piece inside MusicReader can have more information than only a title and composer.
To change this information you can go to the Piece Information screen.

There are two ways to get to this scree.
The first can be used to change any piece in the library and the second applies to the active piece.
  1. Library IconClick the Library Icon to go to the library containing your sheet music.
  2. More Details ButtonsClick the More Details Buttons to get more details about a piece, including an example page.
  3. InfoClick the Info icon to change Piece Info like title, composer and instrument.
  1. Open Full MenuPress the Full Menu icon to display all menu items of MusicReader.
  2. View Piece InformationPress the Piece Information icon to view and change the information of a piece.
Inside the screen there are three tabs.
In the first you can change the piece information:
  • Edit InformationThis area allows you to modify the details of the selected item.
  • Manage PlaylistsThis icon provides access to view and edit the playlists that include this item.
  • Manage FoldersThis icon enables you to view and change the folder to which this item belongs.
The second you can see and change the playlists that contain this piece:
  • Overview of PlaylistsThis area displays a list of available playlists. The playlist that is currently checked includes the selected item.
  • Choose FolderClick here to select the folder from which you want to view the playlists.
The last tab you can see and change the folders that contain this piece:
  • Folder ListDisplays a list of all available folders. The selected folder is highlighted to indicate your current choice.
  • Selected FolderRepresents the folder that is currently selected. This folder contains the item you are working with.

Remove Files

For removing files from music library there are several ways to do this.
See options below.

Single Files

To remove a single file you can go to the library with the steps shown in screenshots below.
  1. Library IconClick this icon to go to the library containing your sheet music.
  2. ManagePress here to manage the library.
  3. Edit / DeletePress here to go to edit or delete pieces in the library.
  4. Delete buttonPress here to delete a piece.

Multiple Files / Batch Delete

If you want to remove multiple pieces, then there are different steps as shown below.
  1. Mass EditPress here to go to mass edit.
  2. Batch DeletePress here to start deleting multiple files.
  3. LibraryHere you select the pieces you want to remove.
  4. Pieces to deleteCheck the list of pieces to delete.
  5. Remove SelectedPress this button to remove the selected pieces.

Clear Complete Library

This can be you want to clear your complete library.
In that case follow the steps below.
Be aware that with these steps you really fully clear it, also on other devices attached to your account.
  1. SyncSync the App with your account.
  2. Sync NowStart sync of MusicReader with account.
  3. Mass EditPress here to go to mass edit.
  4. Select AllPress here to select all pieces in your library.
  5. Pieces to deleteCheck the list of pieces to delete.
  6. Remove SelectedPress this button to remove the selected pieces.
  7. SyncSync the App with your account.
  8. Sync NowStart sync of MusicReader with account.

Split & Clone

It's also possible to use templates to split a book in multiple pieces.
For this you can use steps below.
  1. Page SelectionThis is the area where you can view and press the pages you want to split to a new one.
  2. Selected PagesIn this area, you can see the pages that you have selected for the splitting process.
  3. Optional SettingsThis area allows you to put the new file in a folder and set the book title (the title of the piece you are splitting) to a specific library field.
  4. Create PieceClick here to create the new piece from the selected pages.
With books containing multiple pieces you might want to split them to be listed seperately inside the library.
Or want to clone a piece to a second piece.
For this you can use the steps described below.
  1. Splitter TemplatesPress the Splitter Templates icon to split a file using a template.
  2. Choose an optionSelect one of the available options within the 'Choose an option' area.
  3. Integrated TemplatesPress the Integrated Templates icon to access templates that are integrated for a few books.
  4. Upload your own templatePress the Upload your own template icon to upload a custom template. See instructions at the top of the screen for the required format.

Share / Print / Export

Pieces and files in MusicReader can be shared / exported / printed directly from the App.
This can be done for one file, but also a collection of files.

For doing it for only one file you follow these steps:
  1. Single FilePress here to share a single file.
  2. Which type of file?Select the type of file you wish to share or export from the available options.
  3. Music PieceSelect the Music Piece option within the file types.
  4. Audio RecordingSelect the Audio Recording option within the file types.
  5. Selected FileView the file you have chosen to share or export.
  6. Choose ActionSelect the action you want to perform with the selected file.
  7. Print the fileSelect this option to print the file.
  8. E-Mail the fileSelect this option to send the file via email.
  9. Share the fileSelect this option to share the file with others.
  10. Export the fileSelect this option to download the file.
  11. AnnotationsChoose if annotations should be included with the file.
  12. Include annotationsSelect this option to include annotations in the shared or exported file.
  13. Original - no annotationsSelect this option to share or export the original file without any annotations.
  14. AnnotationsChoose additional settings related to annotations for your file.
  15. StartPress here to start the share, print, or export process.
For multiple files the steps are as follows:
  1. MultiplePress here to process multiple files at once.
  2. Choose TypeSelect the type of file you wish to process.
  3. PlaylistPress here to process a playlist.
  4. FolderPress here to process a folder.
  5. Select Playlist / FolderChoose one to process.
  6. Files SelectedView the files you have chosen for processing.
  7. Choose ActionAuto-created.
  8. Print FilesPress here to print the selected files.
  9. E-Mail FilesPress here to email the selected files.
  10. Share FilesPress here to share the selected files.
  11. Export FilesPress here to export the selected files.
  12. Choose ActionAuto-created.
  13. Export MethodSelect the method to export your files.
  14. Sheet Music with annotationsPress here to create sheet music with annotations.
  15. Original Sheet Music - No AnnotationsPress here to create original sheet music without annotations.
  16. Piece ListThis will generate a list with titles and other columns like in the library.
  17. Marge FilesChoose this to merge the selected files.
  18. One PDF FilePress here to create one PDF file from the selected items.
  19. Multiple PDF files in a ZIP FilePress here to create multiple PDF files packaged in a ZIP file.
  20. StartStart with the share / print / export.

Navigation & Page Turning

In MusicReader there are several ways to navigate and turn pages within a piece.
These options will be described in the coming sections.

Page Turning

Page turning in MusicReader can be done in several ways, from touching the screen to automatic page turning.
In the coming sections the different options are described.

Touchscreen - Single Touch

You can press the sheet music to turn the page as shown in this example:
  • Next PageTap this area on the right side of the screen to navigate to the next page.
  • Previous PageTap this area on the left side of the screen to return to the previous page.

Touchscreen - Swiping

You can swipe using you fingers on a touchscreen to turn the page.
Swiping means you slide a finger (or stylus) across the screen in a specific direction.
  • In MusicReader, swiping left to right corresponds to turning the page backward.
  • Swiping right to left advances the page forward.

  • Foot Pedal

    You can turn pages and trigger action using a foot pedal.
    For setting this up please check Foot Pedal Settings

    Automatic Page Turn

    In MusicReader you can have pages turn based on predefined delay.
    This is operated using the screen as shown below.
    • Start Automatic Page TurnTap here to begin the automatic page turning process. The timer will start from the current page, using the specified delays. If no delay is set for a page, it will wait for you to turn the page manually.
    • Set Page DelayTap here to configure the delay times for page turns.
    • Music Player SettingsTap here to access the settings for the Music Player.
    • Enable Autoplay for RecordingActivate this feature to automatically start playback of any connected recordings.
    Setting up the delays is done using the screen below.
    • Page Turn Delay AdjustmentSet the duration for the current page's transition to the next page. You can modify this value manually. A delay of 0 seconds disables automatic page turning, requiring you to turn the page by hand.
    • Current Page NumberIndicates the current page number. Use the arrows to navigate between pages.
    • Start Timing RecordingClick this icon to begin recording the timing. Play the piece while turning the pages manually. The duration of each page turn will be recorded automatically. You can turn pages manually using any supported method, including touch gestures and foot pedals.
    • Change Display ModePress this button to adjust the settings for the display mode.
    After setting up the delays you can start the timer to have it automatically turn.
    You then get the screen below.
    At that time the pages are turned using the defined delays.
    • Pause TimerTap here to temporarily pause the page turn timer. You can resume it later at your convenience.
    • Stop TimerTap here to completely stop the page turn timer.

    Pages Overview

    To quickly jump to a certain page you can use pages screen.
    Press the indicated icon to get there:

    1. Click Pages OverviewClick here to see the pages inside the current piece and quickly jump to one of them.
    After pressing you get a screen with following options:
    • Pages OverviewThis area displays all the pages in the currently loaded document. Each page has a preview image and its corresponding page number. You can scroll down to view additional pages.
    • Displayed Page CountThis icon shows the number of pages currently displayed. You can click it to select different options for the number of pages shown.
    • Jump to PageEnter a specific page number in this field and confirm to navigate directly to that page.
    • Page ConfigurationClick here to modify the settings related to the pages.


    Inside MusicReader you can add bookmarks for fast navigation and for linking locations.
    Bookmarks are shown in the sheet music, and linked bookmarks can be pressed.

    The main bookmark screen is shown below.
    Here you can select the bookmark you want to jump to, or go to edit screens.
    • Available BookmarksSelect a bookmark in this section to navigate directly to that location.
    • Filter Bookmark ListType a search term to narrow down the displayed bookmarks.
    • Edit Bookmark ListClick here to modify the bookmarks within the list.
    • Add or Edit Music BookmarksClick here to add new bookmarks or edit existing ones within the music.
    The first edit tab is shown below.
    Here you can change basic information of the bookmarks.
    • Modify LetterPress the item in the letter column to change the letter associated with a bookmark.
    • Edit NamePress the item in the name column to modify the name of the bookmark.
    • Linked BookmarksBookmarks can be interconnected. Press the bookmark in the sheet music to navigate to another location. This column displays existing links, and allows you to modify them to point to a different bookmark.
    • Delete BookmarkPress the button in this column to remove the designated bookmark.
    The second edit method is done on the sheet music itself.
    Here can press the music to select an exising bookmark or to add a new one.
    After that you can edit multiple setting.
    For details check the screenshots below.
    • Current Page NavigationThis area displays the current page number and allows you to navigate to different pages.
    • Manage Existing BookmarkClick on an existing bookmark to modify its settings.
    • Add New BookmarkPress here to create a new bookmark at your current location.
    • Bookmark LetterThis area allows you to view and modify the letter associated with the bookmark.
    • Bookmark NameThis area allows you to view and edit the name of the bookmark.
    • Selected Bookmark IndicatorThe currently selected bookmark is highlighted with an orange rectangle.
    • Increase SizePress this icon to enlarge the display size of the bookmark.
    • Decrease SizePress this icon to reduce the display size of the bookmark.
    • Remove BookmarkClick this icon to delete the selected bookmark.
    • Back ButtonPress this button to close the menu and return to the Bookmarks screen.

    Keyboard / MIDI Hotkeys

    There is a way to trigger actions using a keyboard key or a mouse event.
    So you can for example open the library or turn a page.
    For details on where to setup please check the App Settings .


    MusicReader has options to use playlists.
    With playlists you can put pieces in a specific order and use them in that order.
    When you turn the last page of one piece, then it will go to next in the playlist.

    Select & Use

    In the main playlist screen you can see the selected playlist with the pieces in the defined order.
    Also you can see where the current piece is inside the order.
    The screen also provides playlist select, editing and sharing options.
    Details are shown in the screenshot below.
    • Playlist ItemsSelect an item to play it immediately from your playlist.
    • Search FilterUse this option to search for a specific item in your lengthy playlist.
    • Current PlaylistDisplays the name and location of the playlist currently in use.
    • Active FolderShows the folder containing the current playlist. Change it to open or create a playlist in a different folder.
    • Change PlaylistClick here to select a different playlist or to create a new one.
    • Share PlaylistClick this icon to share your current playlist with others.
    • Edit PlaylistClick here to modify the items within your current playlist.
    • Rearrange PlaylistClick here to rearrange the order of items in your playlist.


    In the edit mode you can change the playlist.
    Pieces can be added, moved and removed.
    See the screenshot below on how this works.
    • Active Playlist PiecesManage the order of pieces or remove them from your active playlist.
    • Library PiecesSelect a piece from the library to add it to your active playlist.
    • Rename PlaylistClick to edit the name of your playlist.
    • Duplicate PlaylistCreate a copy of the current playlist. The new copy will become the active playlist.
    • Delete PlaylistClick here to delete the active playlist.
    • Rearrange PieceClick and drag this icon to move a piece to a different spot in the playlist.
    • Set Page RangeDefine the starting and ending pages of a piece to include only a specific section in the playlist.
    • Remove Piece from PlaylistUse this icon to delete the piece from the playlist while keeping it in the library.


    The reorder screen allows for an easy reordering of pieces inside the playlist.
    See screenshot below for ways the playlist can be reordered.
    • Drag and Drop PieceClick this icon to drag and relocate a piece within the playlist.
    • Move Up One PositionSelect this icon to move the piece upwards by one position in the playlist.
    • Move Down One PositionSelect this icon to move the piece downwards by one position in the playlist.
    • Sort Playlist AlphabeticallyClick on the column header to sort the items in the playlist alphabetically based on that column.

    App & Account Setup

    There are several customizations and settings available in MusicReader.
    These will be described in the coming sections.

    Top Menu Customization

    The top menu in MusicReader can be customized, so it shows the features you use most.
    See the screenshots below for the steps to take to make these changes.
    1. Full MenuPress the Full Menu icon to go to the complete menu options.
    2. Edit Top MenuPress the Edit Top Menu icon to begin editing the items in the top menu.
    • Add Item from Full MenuSelect an item from the full menu to add it to the top menu.
    • Manage Existing Menu ItemsSelect an existing item to remove it, or click and drag it to reposition it.
    • Customize Quick MenuClick here to open a dropdown menu for selecting items to display.
    • Confirm or Save Top MenuClick here to save the changes you have made to the top menu.

    Settings & Hotkeys

    In MusicReader there are multiple settings to have it work the way you want.
    The screenshot below shows these settings with a description.
    • MIDI SettingsConfigure MIDI input and output options for the music player and MIDI shortcuts.
    • Keyboard & MIDI ShortcutsEnable shortcuts for specific keyboard keys or MIDI events to trigger actions using the keyboard.
    • Remember Active PieceThe last loaded musical piece will be retained when the app is closed, automatically reopening it the next time you start the app.
    • Remember Active PlaylistThe last loaded playlist will be retained when the app is closed, automatically reopening it the next time you start the app.
    • Disable ZoomingTurn off zooming functionality using pinch gestures on touchscreens and mouse scroll wheel.
    • Stylus Pen - Direct DrawingAutomatically switch to annotation mode when an active stylus pen is detected, allowing for immediate annotation.

    Foot Pedal

    In MusicReader you can use foot pedals, for page turning, but also to trigger other functions.
    The settings for foot pedals can be configured in the screen shown below.
    • Pedal Type ConfigurationThis section allows you to select and set the type of foot pedal you are using for your device.
    • Normal (HID) Pedals ModeSelect this mode if your pedal connects via Bluetooth or USB. Ensure the pedal is functioning in the correct mode: on iOS/iPadOS and Android, use the mode that transmits arrow key inputs. This mode is typically labeled as 'iOS/Android' or 'Page Up/Down' in the pedal's manual. Note: Only this mode works on iOS/iPadOS. For Windows and macOS, both arrow key and page-up/down modes are valid.
    • App Direct (GATT) ModeUse this option for AirTurn pedals in App Direct (GATT) mode. This allows connection within MusicReader's Foot Pedal settings. Important: App Direct is only accessible on iOS/iPadOS and Android; for Windows/Mac, use Normal (HID) mode instead.
    • USB Pedal ConfigurationChoose this option for USB-connected pedals that send inputs as arrow keys or in page-up/down mode.
    • Connect Pedal ButtonPress this button to initiate a connection with your foot pedal.
    • Number of PedalsSelect the total number of foot pedals that you are using with this configuration.
    • Pedal Action SettingsConfigure the action assigned to each individual pedal in this section.
    • Page Time Block SettingThis setting is designed to prevent unintentional double-triggering by temporarily blocking the pedal input after a press. Adjust the time duration for this block here; setting it to '0' disables blocking.

    Module Store

    In modules you can (de)activate features inside MusicReader.
    The screenshot below explains the modules screen.
    • Available ModulesThis section displays all the modules that you can use with your MusicReader application.
    • Module InformationThis area provides detailed descriptions of each module, along with options to install, delete, or update them.


    Your account contains your music (backup) and subscription.
    The settings of the account screen are explained in screenshot below.
    • Account Expiration DateThis indicates the date when your subscription will expire.
    • Order Extension OptionsThis area displays available options for extending your subscription, which may vary based on the expiration date.
    • View OrdersClick here to access a list of your previous orders.
    • Edit Customer ProfileClick here to view and update your personal information.
    • Delete AccountClick here if you wish to discontinue using MusicReader and permanently delete your account. Please note that this action cannot be reversed, and ensure you review the details thoroughly.

    Page Display & Setup

    MusicReader had many features to customize the display of the sheet music.
    These will be described in the coming sections.

    Display Mode

    Display Mode determines the way the pieces are displayed.
    This allows you to display one, two or half pages on screen.
    The screenshot below shows the display modes settings and adjustments available.
    • Full Page ViewShow a single page in its entirety on either portrait or landscape screen orientation.
    • Page ConfigurationModify the settings for individual pages within the application.
    • Page Cropping OptionsAdjust the cropping settings for a specific page to focus on desired content.
    • Dual Page ViewView two pages side by side with the screen oriented in landscape mode.
    • Default Display PreferencesEstablish the default display settings for all new documents created within the application.
    • Half Page ViewShow half of a page when the screen is in landscape mode. This feature is not available in portrait mode.
    For one page display there are additional settings to determine how pages are turn.
    The screen below shows these options.
    • Full Page TurnThis feature allows you to turn one full page at a time.
    • Half Page TurnThis option lets you turn half a page at a time, displaying the top half of the next page over the current page.
    • Custom Page TurnYou can customize the page-turn settings for each individual page. Refer to 'Page Settings' for more information.
    • Page SettingsIn this section, you can modify the page settings for each page individually.
    Similar options are also available when displaying two pages, see the following screenshot.
    • Turn Both Pages SimultaneouslyThis option flips both pages at once, progressing from pages 1 and 2 to pages 3 and 4, and continues in sequence.
    • Turn One Page at a TimeThis feature allows you to turn the pages individually. The left page will change first (from 1 to 3), followed by the right page with the next press (from 2 to 4).
    • Turn the Left PageThe next page will appear on the left side, while the current left page shifts to the right. For example, it will transition from pages 1 and 2 to pages 2 and 3.
    • Customized Page TurningYou have the ability to set the page turn settings for each page individually. Please refer to 'Page Settings' for further instructions.
    • Adjust Page SettingsIn this area, you can customize the settings for each page separately.
    The display settings are specific for a piece.
    To determine the default setting use the screen below.
    • Default Page ViewThis is the standard page layout that will appear when a new document is created.
    • Toggle Fullscreen ModeThis option allows the application to launch in fullscreen mode without any visible interface bars. Please note that this feature may not be supported on all operating systems.
    • Hide Menu on New DocumentEnabling this option will conceal the top menu when a new document is opened.
    • Invert Sheet Music ColorsThis setting changes the sheet music colors, providing a black background with white notes for improved visibility.

    Cropping & Rotation

    To improve the size of the music you can crop and/or rotate it.
    This can be done in the screen shown below.
    • Sheet Music with Cropping AreaDisplays the sheet music overlaid with a gray cropping area. You can reposition or resize the cropping area using the dark gray handles.
    • Resize HandleAn icon that allows you to adjust the size of the cropping area.
    • Detect Crop of Current PageIcon to automatically identify the cropping area for the currently displayed page.
    • Crop to Full PageAn icon that enables you to adjust the cropping area to encompass the entire page.
    • Rotate Page LeftIcon to rotate the current page 90 degrees to the left.
    • Rotate Page RightIcon to rotate the current page 90 degrees to the right.
    • Previous PageAn icon to navigate to the preceding page of the sheet music.
    • Next PageAn icon to navigate to the following page of the sheet music.
    • Detect Cropping of All PagesIcon to automatically determine the cropping areas for all pages in the sheet music.

    Page Order & File Edit

    For pages it's possible to set individual settings.
    These can be specified using the screen below.
    • Page NavigationNavigate through the document by turning pages forward or backward.
    • Toggle Half Page ViewSelect this option to switch between one-page and half-page display modes.
    • Crop EditingAdjust the crop settings for the currently displayed page.
    • Rotate PageRotate the page currently being viewed to a different orientation.
    • Display Mode SelectionChange the display mode to show a different number of pages at once.
    • Page Order ManagementRearrange and edit the order of pages in the document.
    The screen to recorder and edit pages is shown in screenshots below.
    The first screenshot shows the mail page order settings.
    Here you can clone, hide and reorder pages.
    Cloned pages can also be removed.
    • Drag PagePress and hold this icon to move the page to a different location.
    • Select PageClick on a page to display it on the right side.
    • Show/Hide PageToggle the visibility of the page by clicking this icon.
    • Clone PageCreate a duplicate of the page; an additional copy will appear at the end.
    • Remove Cloned PageUse this button to delete a cloned page.
    The second tab allows to replace specific pages inside the piece or to add pages.
    Be aware this will replace pages for any piece using the same file.
    • Replace Current PageClick this button to replace the currently displayed page with a new one.
    • Add New PagesPress this button to add one or more additional pages to your document.
    With the last tab you can replace the full file as shown below.
    • Replace Entire FileUse this option to completely replace the current file with a new one. Ensure that the new file contains the same number of pages or more than the original file.


    To annotate a piece press the annotation icon in the menu as shown below.
    1. Click Annotation ToolsClick the Annotation Tools icon to access the various tools available for annotation.


    In the annotation mode you get the menu as shown below.
    • Pencil ToolUse this tool to write and draw directly on the music sheet.
    • Highlighter ToolUse this tool to highlight specific areas of the music sheet for emphasis.
    • Eraser ToolUse this tool to remove any annotations made on the music sheet.
    • Text ToolUse this tool to insert text annotations into the music sheet.
    • Symbols ToolUse this tool to add various symbols to the music sheet.
    • Undo/Redo ButtonsUse these buttons to reverse or reapply the most recent changes made to the music sheet.
    • Page NavigationPress the arrows to navigate to the next or previous page of the music sheet.
    • Color and Width AdjustmentHere, you can modify the color and/or thickness of the currently selected tool.

    Pencil & Marker

    Below the functioning of the pencil and marker tools are shown and explained.
    • Write or Draw on Sheet MusicYou can write or draw directly on the sheet music using a pen, stylus, mouse, trackpad, or your finger on a touchscreen.
    • Activate Pencil ToolClick this icon to activate the drawing feature for editing the sheet music.
    • Line Width and Color SettingsThis area displays the current line width and color. Click here to modify these settings.
    • Using the marker toolPress and drag your cursor over the sheet music to highlight or annotate.
    • Activate the MarkerClick this icon to enable the marker tool for making annotations.
    • Adjust Marker SettingsClick here to modify the width, color, and transparency of the marker.


    Erasing annotations can be done using erase tool as shown below.
    • Erase AnnotationsPress and drag your cursor over the annotated areas to erase them.
    • Activate Eraser ToolClick on this icon to enable the eraser tool for removing annotations.
    • Adjust Eraser SizeUse this option to modify the size of the eraser tool.


    You can also add symbols into the sheet music.
    See the screenshots below on how this works.
    • Modify SymbolPress the symbol button again to modify the currently selected symbol.
    • Adjust Color and SizeUse this option to alter the color and size of the selected symbol.
    • Insert New SymbolClick on the desired location in the sheet music to insert a new symbol.
    • Select Symbol for ModificationChoose an existing symbol to enable its modification options.
    • Highlighted SymbolThe red rectangle highlights the currently selected symbol.
    • Enlarge SymbolClick this button to enlarge the selected symbol.
    • Reduce Symbol SizeClick this button to reduce the size of the selected symbol.
    • Delete SymbolClick this button to remove the selected symbol from the interface.
    • Modify ColorClick here to change the color of the selected symbol.


    You can also add text to the sheet music.
    See the screenshots below on how to do this.
    • Text ToolClick here to activate the text editing feature.
    • Add New TextClick here to insert new text into your project.
    • Modify Existing TextClick on the existing text. Once selected, you can also reposition it by dragging.
    • Size and Color SettingsThis section displays the current text size and color. Click here to modify these attributes.
    After adding of selecting a text, you get the edit bar shown below.
    • Edit TextClick here to modify the text content according to your preference.
    • Increase Text SizePress this button to make the text larger.
    • Decrease Text SizePress this button to make the text smaller.
    • Remove TextClick here to delete this text from the music.
    • Adjust Text Size/WidthUse this option to change the size or width of the text.
    • Return to Annotations MenuClick here to go back to the annotations menu.


    MusicReader has multiple devices integrated.
    The following sections will describe them.


    With this dictionary you can find the meaning of musical terms in your sheet music.
    • Musical Terms ListThis section allows you to select a musical term to view its explanation.
    • Term ExplanationDisplays a detailed explanation of the selected musical term.
    • Search in ListEnter a keyword to search for a specific musical term within the list.


    With metronome you can hear / see the tempo of a piece.
    See the screenshot below for the settings.
    • Start/Stop MetronomeTap this area to activate or deactivate the metronome. Once activated, it will display the current beats.
    • Tempo SettingAdjust the metronome's tempo by selecting a value in beats per minute (BPM).
    • Beat Count SettingSpecify the number of beats in each measure for the metronome.
    • Toggle SoundPress this icon to switch the metronome sound on or off.
    • Display in Top MenuEnable this icon to have the metronome displayed in the top menu for easy access.
    • Show Beats in Sheet MusicActivate this icon to display the metronome beats within the sheet music.
    The metronome can also be shown in the top menu, as shown below.
    • Activate MetronomeThis button enables the metronome. Once activated, the beats will be displayed here. Pressing the button again will deactivate the metronome.
    • Access Metronome SettingsThis option opens the metronome settings. Click here to access the full metronome screen and modify its settings.

    Music Player

    With the music player you can play recording to the speakers on your system.
    The options of the music player are shown below.
    • Start/Stop Buttons and Playback ProgressThese controls allow you to start or stop playback of the audio and display the progress of the playback.
    • Attached Audio FilesThis section lists all recordings currently linked to this sheet music. The last column features a button to detach a recording, removing it from the list. When you attach a recording, it will load automatically the next time you open the sheet music. If automatic playback is enabled, it will also begin playing automatically; otherwise, playback must be initiated manually.
    • All Audio FilesThis area displays all audio files available in MusicReader. In the last column, you can remove recordings to attach them to the currently open sheet music.
    • Current RecordingThis displays the name of the recording that is currently loaded for playback.
    • Attach/Detach RecordingThis button allows you to attach or detach the currently loaded recording from the sheet music.
    • Share Loaded RecordingUse this option to share the current recording with others or to save it to a different location.
    • Display Music Player in Top MenuEnable this option to show the music player in the top menu for quick access to start the attached recording.
    • Automatic Playback StartWhen enabled, this automatically starts playback if only one recording is attached to the sheet music. If disabled, you will need to start playback manually.
    • Sound RecorderPress this to navigate to the sound recorder feature.
    The music player can also be shown in the top menu, as shown below.
    • Music Player ControlsThis section displays the current file name and provides buttons to start or stop playback. You can also view and adjust the playback progress.
    • Full Music Player ScreenTap here to access the full music player interface. From there, you can choose different recordings or modify the recordings linked to this sheet music.


    • Toggle Tuner ActivationThis area allows you to activate or deactivate the tuner. When activated, it will display the tuning offset in cents.
    • Play Selected NotePress this icon to play the note currently selected, through the speakers of your device.
    • Set Tuner FrequencyUse this icon to adjust the frequency for the A4 note, with a range from 410 Hz to 480 Hz.
    • Display Tuner in MenuActivate this option to show the tuner in the top menu for easier access.
    The instrument tuner can also be shown in the top menu, as shown below.
    • Activate TunerPress this button to turn on the tuner feature.
    • Adjust Tuner SettingsSelect this option to modify the frequency and other settings related to the tuner.
    With this instrument tuner you can tune your instrument.

    Sound Recorder

    With the sound recording you can record using the microphone of your device.
    The options are shown in screenshot below.
    • Sound Recorder ControlsButtons for recording, playback, and stopping the audio recording process.
    • Save Your RecordingPress this button to save your recording. The file will be named with the current date and time.
    • Launch Full Sound RecorderClick this icon to open the complete Sound Recorder window for more features.
    The sound recorder can also be shown in the top menu, as shown below.
    • Sound Recorder ControlsButtons for recording, playback, and stopping the audio recording process.
    • Save Your RecordingPress this button to save your recording. The file will be named with the current date and time.
    • Launch Full Sound RecorderClick this icon to open the complete Sound Recorder window for more features.


    With integrated browser you can download files from website and add them to MusicReader.
    The browser is shown in the screenshot below.
    • Suggested Sheet Music SourcesA collection of recommended sources for sheet music provided by MusicReader.
    • Your Favorite Sheet Music WebsitesA space where you can list your preferred websites for downloading sheet music.
    • Website URL EntryInput the URL of a website here to navigate to it.
    • Close BrowserClose the current browser window.
    • Navigate to Previous PageReturn to the previous page you visited.
    • Navigate to Next PageProceed to the next page you visited.
    • Return to Home PageGo back to the main start page of the browser.
    When you want to download a file you do the steps shown below.
    • Download File LinkClick this link to download the file. Ensure that the file is a PDF or another supported file format.
    • Download File ButtonPress this button to download the file. This button will only be visible for files that are compatible.
    After the file is download you can add it to MusicReader as shown below.
    • Add New File ButtonOnce the download is complete, click this button to access the File Adding Screen.
    For a description of the adding options please check the Add Files section  .

    Special Topics

    Files from MusicReader PDF 4

    In this section we will show you how to add files from your MR4 Library to the new MusicReader.

    To succesfully do this please make sure to fully transfer all PDF files, folders and playlists at once.

    Windows and Mac

    On Windows / Mac, you can transfer your library in the following way:

    1. Go to the system where MR4 is installed.
    2. Login to your account on
    3. Go to Add Files in the left menu of the account.
    4. Then choose Local Files option.
    5. Select Folder under Choose Folder option.
    6. Now select the folder where MR PDF 4 library is stored.In most cases, that is "Sheet Music PDF" folder under "Documents".
    7. After confirming the selection, you should get a notice. Carefully read this notice.
    8. Then press Start MR4 Import and have it complete.
    9. Your files are now in the library on
    10. Sync your new MusicReader App to transfer the files there.


    Need to transfer files from iPad? Then please follow these steps:

    1. On your iPad start MusicReader PDF 4
    2. Go to MORE ->Settings.
    3. Select the tab Upgrades.
    4. Press Copy Library to new MusicReader* and confirm you want to do this.
    5. Please have the transfer fully finish, you get a notice when transfer is ready.
    6. After the transfer finished confirm you want to go to next step.
    7. website will open, please login with your account.
    8. After logging in it will start the file conversion. Please carefully read instructions the screen shows.
    9. Let the transfer completely finish.
    10. Your files are now in the library on
    11. Sync your new MusicReader App to transfer the files there.

    If the steps above cause problems, then there is also an alternative way.

    For this method, you need a Cloud Dive like iCloud/Dropbox/Drive.

    This Cloud Dive needs to be installed both on your iPad and on a Mac / Windows machine.

    These are the steps you then take with that:

    1. First, make sure you have the Cloud Drive active on both your iPad and on a Mac / Windows machine. This to ensure you can follow steps below.
    2. Now go to the Files App on your iPad.
    3. There, choose On My iPad in the left menu.
    4. Choose MusicReader 4 folder
    5. There, press Select in the top menu.
    6. Then press Select All in top menu to select all files and folders.
    7. A menu appears at the bottom, here you choose Move. (It will copy instead - see step 9 - there it should say "Copy")
    8. Now select the Cloud Drive you want to use.
    9. There, you create a new folder using the icon in the top menu. After doing that, you should see a "Folder is Empty" message.
    10. Then press the Copy in the left top corner.
    11. Makes sure it fully finishes.
    12. After it finished, go to your Mac / Windows machine.
    13. On the Mac / Windows machine, login to your account on
    14. Go to Add Files in the left menu of the account.
    15. Then choose Local Files option.
    16. Select Folder under Choose Folder option.
    17. Now select the folder where you have stored the files on cloud storage.
    18. After confirming the selection, you should get a notice. Carefully read this notice.
    19. Then press Start MR4 Import and have it complete.
    20. Your files are now in the library on
    21. Sync your new MusicReader App to transfer the files there.

    Android - Installing APK File

    Some Android tablets do not have Google Play installed on this.

    For those tablets, you can also download APK-file of MusicReader.

    This file can then be directly installed on your tablet.

    Download APK-file File

    The APK-file of MusicReader can be downloaded here:

    On this location, you can also find the updated release if you need to update.

    Installing APK-file on Android

    For information on how to install an APK please check this website.

    Here you can find numerous ways the APK can be installed.

    Installing APK-file on Kindle Fire Tablet

    If you are using Kindle Fire then please check these instruction or this alternative.

    It's gives you the information to install the APK-version.

    Microsoft Store Problems

    Is Microsoft Store not opening on your Windows system?

    Then please check these instructions from Microsoft.

    They show multiple solutions for that issue.

    Having other issues with downloading from Microsoft Store?

    Then please contact MusicReader support for help.

    Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8

    MusicReader is currently only available for Windows 10 / 11.

    If you have an older version of Windows then there are still a few options.

    Install Windows 10

    Many systems can be upgraded to Windows 10.

    You don't have to pay for it, it's possible to do this for free.

    Check this search for details.

    Run Android Release

    Run the Android App using Bluestack or LDPlayer.

    Those can run Android Apps on Windows machines.
